
Showing posts from October, 2019

Homecoming Address

Mission Homecoming Talk December 30, 2018 Be a Light Unto the World The North America West and Northwest Area Plan for 2019 says, “Be a light unto the world by becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ and joyfully help others to follow the Savior and receive the blessings of the temple.” We just spent the past six months doing that as Full-time Missionaries! We felt like we automatically became true disciples of Christ when we put on our official missionary name badges in the MTC.   Our first full day there, we assembled in this large auditorium to hear Sister Sheri Dew speak.   As Senior Couples, we were allowed to enter first and take our seats on the first few rows.   The younger missionaries followed.   As we watched these incredible missionaries come in, young and young women, who in their youth were sacrificing so much to be there, we felt a very might and humbling spirit.   We became so grateful for their service, diligence, and worthi...