
Homecoming Address

Mission Homecoming Talk December 30, 2018 Be a Light Unto the World The North America West and Northwest Area Plan for 2019 says, “Be a light unto the world by becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ and joyfully help others to follow the Savior and receive the blessings of the temple.” We just spent the past six months doing that as Full-time Missionaries! We felt like we automatically became true disciples of Christ when we put on our official missionary name badges in the MTC.   Our first full day there, we assembled in this large auditorium to hear Sister Sheri Dew speak.   As Senior Couples, we were allowed to enter first and take our seats on the first few rows.   The younger missionaries followed.   As we watched these incredible missionaries come in, young and young women, who in their youth were sacrificing so much to be there, we felt a very might and humbling spirit.   We became so grateful for their service, diligence, and worthi...

The Final Testament

Our final days in the mission field included these experiences: -         The members of our congregation threw us a huge going-away party.   We love these people so much and they made us cry more than a few times that evening. -         We traveled to Sacramento to the temple with Sister Yahn, who had not been the temple in some time.   While there, we were with Brother and Sister Perdock as they entered the temple for the first time.   The experience was beyond words.   We love these people so much and it was such an honor to be there with them. -         We spent a lot of time handing off our area to the Senior Couple who will be replacing us, the Mullin’s.   We were in the MTC with them and love them dearly.   They will do very well and have made us feel comfortable leaving our people to their care. -       ...

Another Talk on Ministering -given 11/18/18

MINISTERING TALK 11/18/18 I was raised on a large 1,500-acre ranch in Southeast Idaho, high up in the Rocky Mountains.   It sat at about 6,000 feet elevation.   It was tough to grow anything there.   The snows came early and left late which meant there was a very short growing season.   As such, my father experimented with a lot of different crops and farm animals over the years to see which ones would produce the best in that climate. One year, when I was about ten or eleven years old, we had sheep.   One day, while my father was in town to get parts for the broken-down tractor, a neighbor stopped by to tell us that our sheep were out and were on the road.   My mom immediately told me and my brother, who was just a year younger than me, to go out on the road and bring them in.   So, we went out there and started trying to herd them like we did cattle.   We had herded cattle many times before.   You essentially get behind them, wave...

Faith and Prayers

This week we had these experiences: -         We spent Thanksgiving with a family here that invited us over.   We had a great feast alongside their grown kids!   We are thankful for such generous people who are always looking over the missionaries, young and old alike. -         Black Friday was spent traveling to the Sacramento Temple with the young Elders and their recent convert, Sister Vermette.   It was a great trip and it was awesome to see all the happy faces in the temple. -         We were able to be part of a baptism for Ethan, a friend of the King’s, a family we have been working with.   Ethan was clearly excited to come closer to Christ through his baptism. -         On Sunday, Brother King advanced his two sons in the Priesthood.   Ethan also was ordained a Deacon.   A great day for all involved...

Serving the Fire Victims, and Temple Trips

Our experiences this week included:     -         Helping start the area’s first Addiction Recovery Meeting which several of the people we are working with attended. -         We put on another monthly Missionary Movie Night.  We showed the movie “War Room” which was a big hit.  Many felt it was really relevant to their own situations. -         Traveled to the temple to attend the Sealing of the Lopez Family. Time and all eternity!  This was a beautiful ceremony.  Many tears were shed as the mom and dad were first sealed together and then the three small children were brought in and sealed to their parents. -         Spent time training members of the congregation how to minister to each other so they can care for each other’s needs after we leave. -         Spent our P...