Faith and Prayers

This week we had these experiences:

-        We spent Thanksgiving with a family here that invited us over.  We had a great feast alongside their grown kids!  We are thankful for such generous people who are always looking over the missionaries, young and old alike.
-        Black Friday was spent traveling to the Sacramento Temple with the young Elders and their recent convert, Sister Vermette.  It was a great trip and it was awesome to see all the happy faces in the temple.
-        We were able to be part of a baptism for Ethan, a friend of the King’s, a family we have been working with.  Ethan was clearly excited to come closer to Christ through his baptism.
-        On Sunday, Brother King advanced his two sons in the Priesthood.  Ethan also was ordained a Deacon.  A great day for all involved!
-        On our P-day, we drove to Calistoga to meet the other Senior Missionaries there and hang out and see The Old Faithful of California.  We called it our Senior Missionary Sneak Day.  We love these other senior couples and are grateful to be able to meet with them often to encourage, run ideas by them, and just be friends.  The Mullin’s, who were in the MTC with us, will be transferred to Clearlake to take our place here!  We totally trust our people to them.
-        We traveled again on Wednesday to Sacramento to witness the sealing of the Calhoun’s.  We had been working with them for several months and they were both beaming as the sealer pronounced them husband and wife for time and all eternity.

We will be going to the temple again tomorrow with Sister Yahn.  She has an incredible story of prayer and faith as shared in my journal below.

“Sister Yahn has a great story.  She hasn’t been able to attend the temple in years because she works on Sundays and just can’t get Sundays off.  On our first visit, when she shared that with us, we just left it at that, thinking she will work her way through that issue some day.  Once back in our home, the spirit rebuked us and told us to go back and challenge and invite her to have faith to make a change in her work schedule or job itself and get back to the temple.  She was quite curious when we called and asked if we could come back.  The spirit was strong in her home though as we told her that the spirit had told us strongly to come back.  We invited her to pray to God that he would change her situation and to set a date as a goal.  She has a ton of faith and she set a date of December 4th.  We texted with her every couple of weeks to see how it was going.  She was working on finding a new job, requesting a new schedule, the whole bit.  Not anything was happening.  Last week she was quite despondent over it and questioned her faith.  We encouraged her to keep trying.  And the very next day they changed her schedule to have Sundays off.  She immediately went in to the Bishop and Stake President and got approval to go to the temple!  Then she asked if we would go with her.  Can’t say no to that.  So, one more trip to Sacramento is planned now.”

The Calhoun's.  Time and All Eternity.

The King Family with Ethan and his Mom.

Ethan's baptism with Elders Hendricks and Barnett

The King Family with Ethan

The AWESOME and INCREDIBLE Lake County District of Missionaries!

The King Men.

At the Temple with the Elders and new convert, Sister Vermette.


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