My Farewell Address
I was 17 years old the first time I experimented with personal
revelation. I doubt it will surprise
anyone here to learn that this occurred in the outdoors around a campfire. I was actually on a pioneer trek. They had bused the youth in my stake to BYU
Provo where they divided us up into pioneer families. We were assigned a pioneer pa and a pioneer
ma, who were BYU students and then took us up into the Uintah Mountains where we
were dropped off at a handcart. Over the
next two days, we pulled that handcart 47 miles. It was one of the most grueling physically
challenging events of my life! But
during those two days and 47 miles, I learned the power of prayer. I mostly prayed that I wouldn’t die.
Pa was very good at telling when one of us in our pioneer
family was struggling. And he would have
us pull the handcart over to the side of the trail, circle up in a family
huddle, and then he would pronounce this prayer for us. He was good at actually naming the person in
our family that was struggling and prayed for them and their struggle
specifically. Several times he closed
his prayer by saying “by the power of the Melchizedek priesthood which I hold
and in the name of Jesus Christ.” I knew
that those times he had used his priesthood to give our family a father’s
In answer to these many prayers, I witnessed miracles. We were blessed with strength, peace,
patience and endurance.
We arrived at our camp at 2am in the morning.
The next night we held a testimony meeting around the
campfire. At the close, Pa challenged
each of us to find a private place in the woods and pray and ask for
confirmation that we should serve a mission.
This really annoyed me!
I was dead tired and already had planned on serving a mission! My parents had told me I would serve a
mission since I was a toddler and I knew I would be in big trouble if I didn’t! Yet, I had grown to love my pioneer pa and
respected him and chose to be obedient.
I found a thicket of bushes and climbed inside of it and
offered the most futile prayer ever. It
went something like: “Heavenly Father,
please let me know if I should go on a mission.” And then I waited, for about 15 whole
seconds. There were no bright lights, no
angelic visitations, not even a burning in my bosom. So, I said “Ok then, I’m going to bed. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.” And I went to bed.
As our pioneer family gathered for breakfast the next
morning, the other kids started sharing the great spiritual experiences they
had had the night before, while I sat silent.
One of the other boys was a huge, buff, red-headed kid that we had
nicknamed Mule because he pulled the handcart like one. He never ran out of energy and just kept
Mule stood, and with tears running down his cheeks, shared
how it had been revealed to him that he must serve a mission and he couldn’t
wait to get home to begin to prepare for it.
I immediately became envious. It was great that my parents had instructed
me to go on a mission and I trusted them on that. But it would be so much more powerful to have
God tell me himself. I wanted that experience.
That day was the Sabbath.
We had all three hours of church right there in the campsite with our
Stake. And then our Mas and Pas sang
hymns to us as we went off on a six-hour solo.
We were each to find a private place and commune with God. I took with me my scriptures and my journal
and climbed this hill overlooking the entire camp and found a shady spot under
a Juniper Tree like the ones back home on our family farm.
There I spent six hours communing with God. I wrote about my trek experiences in my
journal. I read my scriptures. I prayed.
And I had a sincere desire to receive personal revelation regarding my
mission. And finally, it came.
In that journal, I wrote that it felt like Heavenly Father
was sitting right next to me as the spirit witnessed to me that I must serve a
I hurried down that hill and immediately told Mule. He was so excited!
Years later I was returning home from completing my
mission. I had a plane change in Salt
Lake City and boarded a small turbo prop that would take me home to
Pocatello. As I got on the plane, I saw
this large red-headed kid sitting there.
Mule!! He was also returning from
his mission! We flew home together! We were so excited and so many tears were
shed as we shared experiences from our missions with each other.
I’ll always be grateful for that personal revelation which I
received on that Trek regarding my mission.
In DC 88:63 it says, “Draw near unto me and I will draw near
unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive;
knock and it shall be opened unto you.”
Personal revelation was a huge tool for me and my companions
while in the mission field. I literally
have hundreds of stories I could tell. I
will tell one of my favorites, a most prolific experience.
We had this program which we called “Community of Zion.” We would carefully select a little
neighborhood and then spend three weeks working this Community of Zion
Program. The first week, we would spend
time each day just simply walking through the Community of Zion and saying hi to
people we saw. The goal was to become a
familiar and friendly face in the neighborhood.
The second week, we would do a little bit more. We would look for opportunities to provide
service or have conversations with people.
Many times, we would end up playing a little bit of soccer in the street
with the neighborhood boys.
The third week, we would knock on the doors in the
neighborhood with the hopes that people would recognize us and let us into their
homes and perhaps even let us give them our message.
This story took place in Linares, Chile as we began our
third week of Community of Zion and were preparing to knock on doors
there. My companion and I stood on the
corner of the neighborhood and offered a prayer that we would be lead to
someone who needed and wanted to hear our message.
At the conclusion of the prayer, we both felt like we were
supposed to go to this one house in the middle of the block. This was a bit different because we typically
would start at the home on the corner and knock on all doors right down the
street until all had been knocked on.
Then we could go back to my apartment and cross that street off in red
and “check” it was done.
But not that night.
The spirit told us to go to this one house in the middle of the block
where we knew a young family lived. They
had two children under the age of five.
As we knocked on the door, the father opened and immediately
let us in, so quickly that he practically did not even greet us. As we entered their living room, the wife
started to sob. As we later talked to
them, we learned that just minutes before we knocked on their door, probably at
about the same time we were praying on the street corner, they also had been
praying in that very living room, pleading with the Lord to help them find a
good religion to raise their children in.
That experience was incredible and was the result of
personal revelation.
DC 112:10 says “Be thou humble; and the Lord they God shall
lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers.”
Hanna already talked about personal revelation in our
courtship. Personal revelation also took
place regarding our marriage. After we
had dated for several months, it became clear that we were a perfect match, we
were compatible, and made each other incredibly happy. We were talking marriage. And I was scared.
I had watched my previous marriage of 29 years fail. I watched as what was supposed to be a happy
celestial family imploded on itself. This
was a painful, gut-wrenching experience filled with guilt and shame. I never wanted to go through that again.
Plus, marriage didn’t only impact Hanna and me, it would
impact the nine kids, four still living at home, that we had between the two of
us. Our children were like raised on
different planets. In different
cultures. At times I think they even
spoke different languages! We had already
attempted to have some combined activities and they were quite a bit less than
So, I was scared.
Early in our courtship, Hanna took me to her parent’s
house. There her dad was laying on a
hospital bed in the middle of their living room under hospice care. I watched emotionally as she very tenderly
took care of him. She talked to him softly,
held his hand, and gave him water. As we
spent several hours there with him, I could feel that he knew we were there,
but was too weak to respond. In those few
hours, I grew close to the man.
He passed away the next afternoon.
Several months later, as I was filled with fear and needed a
complete assurance regarding our relationship, I went to the cemetery and stood
at his gravesite. There I pleaded with
the Lord to know if this was the right thing to do. And finally, a voice came to me, clear as
day, which said “She has waited long enough, you need to take care of this.” I proposed to Hanna that same night. She later told me that those words were
exactly what her dad would have told me if I were asking for her hand in
We have been blessed with an incredible relationship. We are so grateful for the blessings of being
together that we have made a pact with ourselves and God that we will serve in
whatever way we can, whenever we can. And
we love serving together.
The kids worked out too.
Six of them are here today and some of them are even sitting together!
Hanna and I will spend our six-year wedding anniversary in
the Provo Missionary Training Center.
There is no better place to celebrate our marriage than in the MTC.
Matthew 7:7 says “Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you. Ask and you shall receive.”
Personal revelation struck again last November as we sat in
the balcony of the beautiful celestial room in the Portland temple. We were grateful for the blessing of someone
watching over us and felt like we had been miraculously rescued from several
critical issues in our life and business.
During that time, the spirit came to both of us, at the same time, and
urgently told us we must serve a mission.
Right now.
We had talked about serving a mission since our courtship
days, but the time had never been right.
But now the spirt was telling us to go, right now.
As we sat there, numerous obstacles came to mind. What about our business? What about our home? Our kids?
We have nine kids, certainly a grandchild will arrive in our
absence. Wouldn’t we need to be there to
help with that? What about Hanna’s
elderly mom? My elderly dad? What about the Scouts? The seminary students? We even worried about our cat!
As we brought up each obstacle, the spirit gave us the
answer as to how it would work out, and gave us a feeling of total peace.
We went home and immediately visited with Bishop Harris to
start the process of becoming missionaries.
I have done this mission thing before. But I am still scared. I am a structured guy and like to have a plan
and know what I’m going to do. We don’t
have any idea exactly where we will be serving or what we will be doing
there. I am scared the mission president
will send us to a remote branch somewhere with the instructions to just to what
the Lord tells us to do!
But I know through personal revelation, the spirit will tell
us what to do and we will be a mighty and powerful tool for the Lord in doing
his work.
DC 84:88 says “And whoso receiveth you, there I will be
also, for I will go before your face. I will
be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts,
and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.”
At this last general conference in April, there were lots of
exciting changes. In fact, it appears as
if all of us have been called to be ministers, which is incredibly cool! But amongst all of that excitement, I’m
hoping we didn’t miss the great first talk given by our new prophet. It was on personal revelation. I would like to read some of his quotes.
“…how willing the Lord is to reveal His mind and will. The privilege of receiving revelation is one
of the greatest gifts of God to His children.
Through the manifestations of the Holy Ghost, the Lord will assist us in all
our righteous pursuits. I remember in an
operating room, I have stood over a patient – unsure how to perform an
unprecedented procedure – and experienced the Holy Ghost diagramming the
technique in my mind.”
This has likewise happened to me as I have helped folks with
their taxes. I get stuck on something
that is complex and I pray and then the answer is placed before me.
“Imagine the miracle of it?
Whatever our church calling, we can pray to our Heavenly Father and
receive guidance and direction, be warned about dangers and distractions, and
be enabled to accomplish things we simply could not do on our own. If we will truly receive the Holy Ghost and
learn to discern and understand His promptings, we will be guided in matters
large and small.”
I have experienced this as I served as a Scoutmaster. I have at times been prompted to get the boys
into shelter, check on this particular boy to see how he is doing, and to check
in this particular tent.
“What wisdom do you lack?
What do you feel an urgent need to know or understand? Follow the example of the Prophet
Joseph. Find a quiet place where you can
regularly go. Humble yourself before
God. Pour out your heart to your Heavenly
Father. Turn to Him for answers and for
comfort. Pray in the name of Jesus
Christ about your concerns, your fears, your weaknesses – yes, the very longings
of your heat. And then listen! Write the thoughts that come to your mind. Record your feelings and follow through with actions
that you are prompted to take. As you
repeat this process day after day, month after month, year after year, you will
grow into the principle of revelation.”
I am so grateful that I kept that journal on Pioneer
Trek. This past week as I prepared for
this talk, I read through that journal and I openly wept. The things I wrote in there 40 years ago were
powerful and inspiring and I am grateful that I have them recorded. My Trek Journal is one of my most prized possessions.
This next quote is kind of scary:
“…in coming days, it will not be possible to survive
spiritually without the guiding directing, comforting, and constant influence
of the Holy Ghost. I plead with you to
increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation.”
This is a powerful warning and pleading from our prophet on
how we can deal with the turmoils that inflict our world.
I testify that every one of us in this room can receive
personal revelation if we have the desire.
Even the vilest of sinners can receive personal revelation. I, myself, have been deep into the pit of sin
and bogged down with despair, discouragement and depression. At that time I sometimes felt that if I
called upon the Lord, he would likely come and smite me down. However, I have studied the scriptures fully
and can not find anywhere in the scriptures where the Lord has smitten someone
who was calling out his name. The Lord
is a god of love. “Neither do I condemn thee:
go, and sin no more.” At these sinful
times in our life is when we need personal revelation more than ever. I am grateful that Heavenly Father was there
for me at that time of need.
I testify that the Book of Mormon is true. One of the things that arrived with our
mission call was a checklist of things to do.
On this checklist was to read the Book of Mormon from cover to cover
again before coming to the MTC. I was
really annoyed at this because I read the Book of Mormon all the time
already! But I chose to be obedient and
have been reading the Book of Mormon. I
have found that it has given me extra spiritual power. That I have been able to do things better
than I would have been able to do otherwise.
This included public presentations, talking to people, giving guidance. I look forward to serving with this same
power in the mission field. There is no
better way to prepare for a mission than reading The Book of Mormon.
I testify that Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God. I have walked through the Sacred Grove and
have walked in the same exact spot where he knelt and poured his heart out to
God to know which church was true. And
he received the ultimate personal revelation, a visitation from God the Father
and Jesus Christ. As I walked through
that grove, I could tell that something powerful had happened there.
Even more impressive for me as a Scoutmaster and having spent
nearly my entire life serving within the Aaronic Priesthood, was last October’s
visit to the Sugar Grove on the banks of the Susquehanna River in Harmony, Pennsylvania. There I walked in the exact
place where John the Baptist appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and conferred
the Aaronic Priesthood upon them. I could feel the power there and there is no
doubt in my mind that something tremendous happened in that grove of maple
I testify that Jesus is the Christ and that He is my Savior. Through his atoning sacrifice, I have been
healed from the incredible pain and grief of a son who took his own life. I have been healed from the heartbreak of a
failed marriage. I have been healed from
countless illnesses. And I have had my
many sins taken away from me. The
process was easy. I just had to believe
that Jesus Christ would do this for me, and then ask for him to do so.
My feelings are very tender today as I am released from
being a Scoutmaster. I saw this release
coming for months, but really didn’t see it coming in a way. The hardest part of being a Scoutmaster is
saying good bye to the boys. I love
these guys. And this is my fourth time
to go through this. When I left the boys
in Manito Ward Troop 324, we had a huge blubberfest around a campfire. And the very next morning, Bishop Olsen came
to my house and called me to be the Scoutmaster here in this Ward! He couldn’t understand why I struggled
emotionally receiving that call! It was
because I didn’t want to go through that all over again! But here we are again. Salem, Forest, Jake, and all the other guys
who aren’t here today……..some are even out camping with their families…………go
figure! All of you guys will be great
and awesome missionaries!
I testify of these things and leave you with my blessings
and love. And now I must go and serve.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Beautiful! I think I’m going to print it. I love all the examples of receiving personal revelation! Something I have been really trying hard to do ❤️