Fire = Blessings!

The Mendocino Complex Fire, the largest wildfire in California history, continues to burn out of control and still is threatening some remote towns.  Fortunately, it is now burning north, away from where we live and our communities.  There is still smoke on most days, but it also is getting better.

We find it interesting that such calamities and trials bring us closer to God and to each other.  Below are a couple of entries from Elder Stewart-Longhurst’s journal regarding the fire almost taking some of our people’s homes.


The fire peaked up on the hill just about 100 yards west of the house.  Embers blew in there from the next hill over, which looked like it was about half a mile over.  When the family saw the fire there that close, it frightened them.  A Sheriff stopped in and told them to get the heck out and that even the firefighters and cops were leaving.  Their neighbors were leaving.  So, they finally left.  The fire ended up taking out two homes across the way from their house, burning both to the ground.  It then burned across the grass lot across from their home.  Took out a huge bush in front of their house.  Then JUMPED their house and burned a building and fence in the neighbor’s yard behind them.  They had evacuated to a distant city. The last report they had received from their neighbors was that the fire was heading straight for their home.    The dad said he was going crazy in his hotel room praying and meditating and begging God to save their home.  And He did.  They consider it a miracle and an answer to pleading and prayers!  They feel protected. 


Two of the families live kind of close to each other have had their differences. Both ended up under evacuation last week.  Neither left their home until the fire crested the hill about a mile away.  Then they wished they had evacuated.  This was unlike any of the prior fires they had seen.  Flames were shooting hundreds of feet into the air.  The fire had its own weather and was blowing out wind at up to 50 or 60 miles per hour.  Flaming embers were flying through the air and hitting the ground up to a mile out in front.

The fire trucks were on the ridge, trying to hold a fire line up there.  They had no idea that embers were blowing towards these two brethren’s homes.  Grass fields were starting to catch and burn.  One house caught and was fully engulfed within minutes.  The first brother ran down to the grass fields with a shovel and started doing what he could to stop the approaching flames.  The shovel was useless, so he started just stomping the burning grass out.  He then ran to a home where flames were licking at the side of the garage.  He grabbed a hose and doused the garage.  The water sizzled as it hit the siding.  Once that was in hand, he noticed the grass flames going again and heading for the other brother’s home.  That brother was out there doing what he could with a small hose to stop the fire, but it looked futile.  The first brother ran to help and together they fought the fire side by side with whatever they had.  Small hoses, shovels, stomping on it.  And in the end, they saved the house.  They then fell into each other’s arms, bawling.  How could they have let an offensive word or situation get between them?  How mighty they were when they were unified!  They beat the fire!

Found this huge Oak while Geocaching on P-day!

Fire History Map of the area.  Ranch fire is now twice that size and still going.  Fires have been on all sides of our town since 2015.

Taken during the 2012 fire.........

Notice the spider webs we hiked through to find a Geocache!

Zone Conference.  Best missionaries in the entire world!

Geocaching to the East of our home.  Really dry and ready to burn next.  And smoky.


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