Miracles at Church

This week on our P-day we were able to take a six-mile hike through some beautiful woods near Cache Creek.  We also traveled to the Sacramento Temple.

A great experience/miracle from Sister S-L’s journal:

At last week’s Missionary Movie night, the young elders invited many of their friends, including one father and daughter whom they didn’t expect to come as they had openly expressed their distrust of all organized religion.  So, imagine the Elders’ shock when they came!  Both seemed to really enjoy the fellowship with the members of the congregation and the movie.

They were invited to our Sunday worship service, but again, no one thought they would actually show up. But in what we see as a miracle, they did, and this time the man brought his wife as well.  The worship service included our once a month Testimony Meeting where all members of the ward (congregation) are welcome to the podium to testify of God’s goodness to them.  It was a powerful meeting with at least a dozen testifiers and this family felt God’s love and presence in a way they never had before.

Another miracle came in the middle of the meeting—a young woman in hiking garb walked in the front door of the church and announced she had just been talking with God down at the lake and he told her to come into our church.  She said she’d been drawn to our church for some time but today was the first time she felt prompted strongly enough to get over her fear of walking in alone.  I saw her come in and look around nervously so went out to the foyer to greet her.  She asked me if there was a meeting going on, so I invited her to join us on the back row of the chapel for the rest of the meeting. At the end of the Testimony Meeting she said she’d love to stay for the Sunday School meeting.  And after that she wanted to stay for Relief Society.  She’s excited to have a lesson with the Elders later this week.  Wow! I’m so thrilled for her to learn more of and become closer to Jesus Christ.  I’m also awed that God trusts this ward enough to just start bringing people to us.

At the Sacramento Temple

Cairns on our Hike

Old burn scar we hiked on.

At Cache Creek


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