On the Highest Mountains...........

This week we were able to do the following:

-        Climbed Mt Konocti, the volcano overlooking Clear Lake.
-        Put on another successful Missionary Movie Night.
-        Visited the Sacramento Temple

We have been teaching a lot of lessons and visiting a lot of people preparing them to come back to the Gospel and attend the temple.

Here is an entry from Sister Stewart-Longhurst’s journal about an experience this week:

A sister in our ward called very excited about how she found success in achieving her goal she set about a month ago--That was right after she attended the temple for the first time in many years and was ecstatic with joy and excitement from her time in the temple.  On that day she sincerely wanted to share her joy with another soul, so she set a goal to find another person to invite to come and partake of the joy and happiness of the gospel and the temple. 

She gave herself almost two months to reach the goal since she was scared it would be super hard to find someone. But she didn’t let fear paralyze her. No.  She trusted in divine help and began praying that God would bring someone into her path that would be prepared to accept her invitation. 

In her lovely Philadelphia accent, she told me she didn’t know it would be SO easy to find this person.  You see as she was fulfilling her service as the ward Director of Communications, calling everyone on her list (which includes many who are strangers to her) to invite them to our Missionary Movie Night, she called a sister who didn’t want to come for the ice cream and movie, but who DID eagerly accept the invitation to come to church.

She is giddy with delight at this outcome, and now has even more faith that she can set worthy goals, even very difficult ones, and trust in divine help to reach them.  I can’t wait to see what her next goal will be!

We love being missionaries and seeing the miracles that take place nearly daily!


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